2010年7月31日 星期六

closing ceremony

i still remember the first time we met foreign students, our teachers try hard to encourage us to speak to them
but we were too shy to make friends with them...
no one will know that after three weeks past at the closing ceremony, all of us felt so sad to the time to say goodbye. we all know that each one of you are coming back to your sweet home in USA and Vietnam, we still hope that one day we will met in taiwan or other place.
it's a wonderful experience to make good friends with you guys, all of you are so nice and cool!
we all know that everyone has your own life and your own dreams to finished
but i hope that all of us won't forget eachother unless we were caught by some outerspace features to do some secret people research plans...
now we have many cool friends from many countries, everyone has their own life, but i'll miss all of you so much!!! and i took this short goodbye as the preparing for next time to meet again, bon voyage,my friends!

2010年7月26日 星期一

0724 Fulong Lido

This morning we take the train from Jungli station to Fulong station.
Fulong is famous by its cheap and delicious lunch box and its beautiful ocean.
But on the way to Fulong we faced a big problem- it start heavy rain!!!
I don't know why the weather changes so fast, and I start feeling cold in the train.
Some of us get sick, so we feel bad about the weather.
But as we meet all of other friends there, everything turns to joyful.
We run across the sea and try our best not to get wet to keep our body warming.
Some of us did very well , like sweet Bonnie.
But me, Nicole and Casper all get so wet because some bad guy drop us to the water. (Iv**&M*t*)
Later, we went to play the sand to avoid the tragedy happen again.  X0
That day was so warm because of our passion and friendship.
I'll miss all of you and hope we'll met and stay together some other day. 

0722 Sanho Paper and Carton company

This afternoon we went to visit Sanho Paper and Carton Company.
This company is a middle sized company and its main business including paper-box design, paperbox material choosing, cutting and packing.
Paperbox industry has top five biggest size company to share over 50% custumers here.
Unfortunately,Sanho Paper and Carton Co. is not one of them.
So they have to make an unique strategy to aquire the remain market share.
They choose high-quailty and well services to their customers.
Another advantage of this company is their particularity division.
They seperate their orders into many different parts.
Then carefully plan and decide which machine they should buy, how is the using rate.
I learnes a lot from this trip to visit Sanho Paper and Carton Company.
And I know to servive in a competertive surroundings has many challenges, the only way is to work hard and planned well to your customers to get a good CRM so they'll be willing to do business with you next time.
You just can't take too easy in business world every moments.
I'll put that in my mind.  

0722 KingCar company

KingCar company has a very long history in taiwan. During these years, KingCar comapny enlarge its business by its diversification strategy and continuing innovate. The company was founded at 1956 and their main products was cleaning products. After 24 years passed, KingCar expand another business in food industry. Its popular brand such as Mr.Brown coffee, Mini Oligowater,Green Time tea drinks...all were known by the crowd in taiwan. It also start to builg a whisky brand called Ka Va Lan Whisky, the ka va lan has the same meaning as taiwan's beautiful country I-lan.

KingCar enterprise is a private equity, even though, it didn't lose it's own society responsible to the public. KingCar company build KinCar Education  Foundation to offer children who lived far away from the city the educational resource. KingCar company also devoted itself to biotechnilogy research to create a better future for people.

A good business should not only care about its own profit , but also take more responsibility. I think that KingCar gave us a good example to learn, hope they can keep us company as uaual.

0721 FTV

Since FTV are so popular in taiwan by its soap opera , i think this might be one of the plan that i would like to visit. I especially wanna see the set of firming ,and i want to get to konw the latest plot of the play because i'll watch it sometimes.

Unfortunately, that day we just visited the main company and the news spot. But we luckily to have a handsome guy and beautiful anchor lead us to konw the develope of FTV and show us the way how the on live news was take.

We also took lots of picture with them, and some of our students are pretenting they were in a talk show. That was so much fun, and we upload the pictures on facebook.

0717 National Palace Museum, taipei 101

this morning we got up sooo early to catch the bus at 8:30.  but i'm so excited that we'll go to taipei 101 so we can stay at the building with air conditioning instead of sun. at that morning we went to the national palace museum to know more about chinese culture and historical relics. all the antique are so precious but it's too hard to understand most of it.

we took Thai-food as our lunch at taipei 101. Than we got the chance to look around taipei 101 when other people went to the top floor to see the whole view of taipei. but some of us are so tired that we ponder around for few minutes then we have tea time. 

It was a lot of fun.

2010年7月22日 星期四

the birth place of taiwan's science and technology-Hsinchu Science Park

taiwan's science and technology are famous worldwide as producing precise electronic accessories
if you have had an apple products, acer's computer, e-reader or cell phone...
you may had using MIT products

most of this high technilogy company are located in Hsinchu Science Park
for its well planed environment and resources interflow
it can aslo brings large economic effects

since the human resoures are important as other
Hsinchu Science Park offers an comfortable environment to people who work there
such as child education, fitness center,hospital,well dormitory town...
and the whole science park surrounding by trees are my favorite part
no wonder many people in taiwan wants to work there ^^