2010年7月31日 星期六

closing ceremony

i still remember the first time we met foreign students, our teachers try hard to encourage us to speak to them
but we were too shy to make friends with them...
no one will know that after three weeks past at the closing ceremony, all of us felt so sad to the time to say goodbye. we all know that each one of you are coming back to your sweet home in USA and Vietnam, we still hope that one day we will met in taiwan or other place.
it's a wonderful experience to make good friends with you guys, all of you are so nice and cool!
we all know that everyone has your own life and your own dreams to finished
but i hope that all of us won't forget eachother unless we were caught by some outerspace features to do some secret people research plans...
now we have many cool friends from many countries, everyone has their own life, but i'll miss all of you so much!!! and i took this short goodbye as the preparing for next time to meet again, bon voyage,my friends!

