2010年7月26日 星期一

0722 KingCar company

KingCar company has a very long history in taiwan. During these years, KingCar comapny enlarge its business by its diversification strategy and continuing innovate. The company was founded at 1956 and their main products was cleaning products. After 24 years passed, KingCar expand another business in food industry. Its popular brand such as Mr.Brown coffee, Mini Oligowater,Green Time tea drinks...all were known by the crowd in taiwan. It also start to builg a whisky brand called Ka Va Lan Whisky, the ka va lan has the same meaning as taiwan's beautiful country I-lan.

KingCar enterprise is a private equity, even though, it didn't lose it's own society responsible to the public. KingCar company build KinCar Education  Foundation to offer children who lived far away from the city the educational resource. KingCar company also devoted itself to biotechnilogy research to create a better future for people.

A good business should not only care about its own profit , but also take more responsibility. I think that KingCar gave us a good example to learn, hope they can keep us company as uaual.

